Colossians 3:17

Colossians 3:17
And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all
in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the
Father through Him.

Photo Gallery

To the left is a photo of one of the family hens, sweet Black Austrolop, "Midnight".

 To the right is a photo of Elizabeth, Baissier & Sweet Mama dog's (Below are photo's of Baissier & Sweet Mama Dog) daughter. She is one of the family's German Shepherds.

To the right is a picture of Baissier (right) and his 'playmate'. (left).  Both are German Shepherds.

To the left is a photo of  Scottish Highland cow, Millie.

The 2 photo's (the winter scene and the fall scene) are of Baissier, who now is deceased:-(  He died January 22nd 2010 of heart cancer.  He would've been 10 years old in March, he lived to 9 years old.

Here are picture's of one of Baissier's son's, from Homeland Security stock and Michigan State Trooper stock.  (To the right and below).

Above is a photo of another 'Sweet Little Mama Dog.'

One of my family's winter joy's are the birds! 

Winters in the Ozarks are cold...and beautiful!
To the left is a photo of the family horse Carousel.

 To the right and below are photo's of Leyna, Baissier and his 'playmate's' daughter.

Above and below are photo's of a mouse seeking shelter from the non-mouse catching cat...UNDER the non-mouse catching the bath tub.

Above is a picture I took of the sun.  It hit the camera lens just right.

Above is  a photo I took of my Father and his buddy (Baissier's son) after it had snowed and rained in March. 

Above is 'Sweet Little Mama Dog' with her new 3 hour old baby.


  1. Cool pictures, Savannah! Your dogs look so sweet! The horse looks cool, too!

  2. I'm glad you like them, I haven't been able to take pictures of our newest dog, he was in the litter that you see "Sweet Mama Dog" with in the last picture.
    I'm glad you like the horse, she looks cool, but when you try to ride her, she'll run into a tree or brush pile really fast, then stop suddenly, trying to bounce me off, or she'll go under a branch, and buck just a little to try to bonk my head on the branch. She's uncontrollable and dangerous. And she's about 15 hands high, so she's pretty big. I'm planning to get a horse I can actually ride soon. (My parents don't know how long 'soon' is though)
